Preventing oral diseases by following regular check-ups.
Preventive dentistry is dental care that helps maintain good oral health. It’s a combination of regular dental check-ups along with developing good habits like brushing and flossing.
Oral Examinations, Dental Sealants, Oral Cancer Screenings,Teeth Cleanings.
Highly experienced dentists providing dental & oral treatment with advanced facilities for 100+ patients daily.
Universal dental hospital provides you a keen and detailed checkup of your dental health with atmost advanced equipment.
Preventive dentistry is basic process of checking ones oral health and taking preventive measures to avoid future problems.
We promise you a very speed recovery and best result. \
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We Follow Stringent Disinfection and Sterilization Protocols To Ensure Safe Dental Care.
We are here for you 24/7 to assist you with your dental health and assure you with our treatments.